Saturday, January 21, 2012

I Heart Baking

I really do. Unfortunately, I don't get a chance very often (I'm usually too busy procrastinating or watching TV). But tonight, to console myself after seeing all our beautiful snow melt away, I decided I was going to make some super duper, awesome tasting, happy making... LEMON BARS! My mom has this really good recipe that makes these AMAZING lemon bars. They have this meringue on top and then a layer of lemony goodness and they are just SO EFFING GOOD. And because I felt like it, I documented the whole process! So, for your viewing pleasure, here are some photos for you to mouth water over (I'm pretty sure "mouth water" isn't a verb, but I'm feeling adventurous tonight).

So, I know they don't look delicious right now, but just you wait and see!

Ladies and gentlemen, the oh-so-important... EGGS!

Lemons: Nature's way of saying "What the hell." But they sure do make good lemon bars :)

I am proud to pronounce that I didn't eat any of the batter... I think.

It looks so cozy and warm...


"I think I'll eat it slowly, because lemon bars can be pretty rich sometimes..."


And that is the tale of my wonderful, glorious lemon bars. They are so very magnificent. I hope this inspires you to go out and make some lemon bars. Or maybe some brownies. Or, dare I say it, A PIE. I know, getting a little crazy here but I believe in you. Yes, I really do.

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