Saturday, January 21, 2012

I Heart Baking

I really do. Unfortunately, I don't get a chance very often (I'm usually too busy procrastinating or watching TV). But tonight, to console myself after seeing all our beautiful snow melt away, I decided I was going to make some super duper, awesome tasting, happy making... LEMON BARS! My mom has this really good recipe that makes these AMAZING lemon bars. They have this meringue on top and then a layer of lemony goodness and they are just SO EFFING GOOD. And because I felt like it, I documented the whole process! So, for your viewing pleasure, here are some photos for you to mouth water over (I'm pretty sure "mouth water" isn't a verb, but I'm feeling adventurous tonight).

So, I know they don't look delicious right now, but just you wait and see!

Ladies and gentlemen, the oh-so-important... EGGS!

Lemons: Nature's way of saying "What the hell." But they sure do make good lemon bars :)

I am proud to pronounce that I didn't eat any of the batter... I think.

It looks so cozy and warm...


"I think I'll eat it slowly, because lemon bars can be pretty rich sometimes..."


And that is the tale of my wonderful, glorious lemon bars. They are so very magnificent. I hope this inspires you to go out and make some lemon bars. Or maybe some brownies. Or, dare I say it, A PIE. I know, getting a little crazy here but I believe in you. Yes, I really do.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lame jokes and hilarious accents

So, just now, I was inspired (by myself) to make a post about lame jokes. And hilarious accents. But mostly lame jokes. And away we go!

Most favorite lame joke of all time:
Q. What do you call a bee that gives milk?
A. A BOO-BEE! (If it doesn't make sense, say it out loud.)

Most punny lame joke:
Q. What is the definition of a good farmer?
A. A man outstanding in his field.

I-honestly-don't-understand-this lame joke:
Q. What do Eskimos get from sitting on the ice too long?
A. Polaroids.
(Seriously, somebody please explain it to me)

Funny-because-it's-obvious lame joke:
Q. What's brown and sticky?
A. A stick.
(I got you there, didn't I?)

Just really lame lame joke:
Q. What do you call a fly with no wings?
A. A walk

Even lamer lame joke:
Q. What do you call a fish with no eye?
A. Fsh.

And as for funny accents, I just love 'em. They are really the best. If I could demonstrate one for you, I would. But this is the Internet, so it just isn't going to happen. Sorry to disappoint. See ya next time!


So, I realize I promised exciting news in my last post, but I have BETTER, MORE IN-THE-MOMENT NEWS. (And also, since I don't think anyone is sitting on the edge of their seat, waiting with baited breath, I think it's okay if I skip it.) All right, so, here we go. Are you ready? Here it is:

That is what my yard looks like! And I know that snow is not a big deal for some people but it is for me! And for the superintendent, who decided to close school for two days and give us a two-hour late start tomorrow. So, this week has been pretty awesome. Except for the fact that I have two tests tomorrow, even with the late start. And I haven't exactly spent much time studying for them, what with having to play in the snow and all, so.. BUT TOMORROW IS FRIDAY. So that's good. And I should probably go study now, but I just thought I would share this wonderful week with the interweb. I realize this post isn't very funny. Or meaningful. And that I used the word "and" a lot. I also realize I ruined any suspense this post would have had in the title. But that's okay. Chao for now! 

Monday, January 16, 2012


I regret, yet again, to be writing about the neglect of this blog. But, with so many exciting things to do, who has time to spend on the internet?
Ha. Ha ha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That was a bald faced lie. The exciting things my life consists of as of this moment:

  • homework
  • room cleaning
  • homework
In fact, I've been procrastinating both those things during this blissfully long weekend, and I happen to actually have a WONDERFUL reason: LADY CALYPSO CAME TO VISIT ME! And since I only have two minutes in which to procrastinate left, I will summarize with a few choice words:

Okay, now we're getting into made up words. But that's just how good it was. More on that later. Also, I realized I promised all you non-existent readers deets about my Thailand trip forever ago (that was an ironic use of the word "deets"). So hold your breath, because... WHOOPS! Out of time! Later!

P.S. You can stop holding your breath now.