Friday, November 25, 2011

The Lure of Black Friday..

SO FULL. I ate a lot of food yesterday. My dad made these amazing yams. It was like eating pie. But don't worry, I had plenty of pie as well. Not to mention the half a pie I had this morning...
Anyways, today is..(drum roll please).. BLACK FRIDAY!! And since it is such a huge shopping day here in the good old USA, I thought I would give you my Christmas wish list (yes, I know it's not even December yet).


1. Black heels

You know, one pair that goes with everything. These are nice because the heel isn't too tall, so it's pretty versatile. And admit it, they're pretty cute.

2. Soundtracks

Especially these two. I absolutely love every single song from both of these musicals but if I had to choose a favorite, it would probably be "Younger Than Springtime" from South Pacific. And even though I am the only person who thinks this, I am sticking to my opinion: Lt. Joseph Cable (Jon Kerr in 1958) is a very attractive man. Very. Attractive

3. Sheets

These specific sheets are from, which is a pretty boss website, if you want to check it out. They include zombies, pirates, ninjas, mad scientists, astronauts, dinosaurs, robots, unicorn, dragon, aliens, and bacon. Yeah, pretty frickin' awesome.

4. Team Starkid swag
Okay, so basically, these people are brilliant. I love them. They are a production company that has produced such magical fantasticness as A Very Potter Musical, Starship, and A Very Potter Sequel. If you haven't heard of any of those, go. No, seriously, GO. To Youtube. NOW. It will be life changing.
If you still haven't gone, here's a taste of what you have been missing:

Yeah. Now go watch the rest of it's brilliance.
Anyways, they have a website where they sell AWESOME t-shirts and stuff and I JUST LOVE IT ALL SO MUCH. Seriously though, WATCH THEM. THEY ARE THE LIGHT OF THE UNIVERSE.

5. Okay, now for the big ticket item... A CAMERA!

ISN'T SHE BEAUTIFUL??! Actually, I don't know which brand of camera I want yet. And since I'm not going to get one, I don't need to. Yes, I know for a fact that Santa will not be bringing me a camera this year. I've got connections up at the North Pole. Ah well, I can always dream..

Alright, that's it for my Christmas wish list. Sorry about all the capitalization..
What's on your wish list? Happy Holidays!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Guess what Turkey Lovers? That's right, it's Thanksgiving! And over here in the Northwest, it sure feels like it. After all, it's not Thanksgiving without drenching rain and fiercely strong wind. I hope you all are staying nice and dry during this holiday season. As for my Thanksgiving plans, I am SO excited. Food is one of my great loves and I haven't had a real Thanksgiving in awhile. But today I'm going to be eating A LOT of starches. And maybe some vegetables. I hope you all are having a wonderfully delicious Thanksgiving. I have to go cook!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

In which rain plays a big part

Ah yes, that symbol of the Northwest. Rain. Now, I love to complain about it with the best of them, but at the same time, there is something about rain that I really like. Not those light, half hour drizzles, no, those are wimpy. I'm talking full on, days straight, pouring buckets kind of rain. I love the sound it makes. And I love wearing rain boots. I just thought I should share that with the interweb.

Monday, November 21, 2011

In which I discuss the benefits of staying up late.. and the non-benefits

So much more time! I don't have to start homework until 9:30. It really is amazing. Especially now that my obsession with Gossip Girl has begun to consume me. As you will probably note, this post is being written at 11:15 at night. I just finished studying for an English test. Handy dandy! So much more time. Although, of course, there is the fact that I do have to get up at 6:30 every morning. And there may be a little issue with me not being able to stay awake through first period, but no matter! Here is a list of things you can do when you stay up late:
1. Do your nails (and yes, clear nail polish is manly)
2. Surf funny websites like smartphowned and fmylife
3. Eat leftovers
4. Have a silent pillow fight with yourself
5. Draw on your walls with colorful sharpies
6. Sharpen all the pencils you own
7. Buy something completely useless online
8. Read a trashy magazine
9. Eat some more leftovers
10. Make pointless lists that no one will ever read while you should be sleeping

Saturday, November 19, 2011

In which I mention gossip.. and girls.

Okay, so I would like to begin with the fact that I watch a lot of TV. A lot. Netflix is like my best friend. It introduced me to Bones, Friends, Monk, Chuck (SO MUCH LOVE FOR ZACHARY LEVI), and many more. Yes, most of them are mystery shows, but thats' not important. And today it introduced me to my next obsession: Gossip Girl. Stop rolling your eyes. Everyone has a soft spot for soap operas once in awhile. And this one is definitely a soap opera. But I love it anyways. ESPECIALLY Blake Lively. She is just so gorgeous, and she has great fashion sense. I remember her from Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. I loved those books. Anyways, Blake Lively is amazing. See for yourself:

So is Penn Badgely. He is definitely my favorite guy. And he's not too bad in the looks department either.

Now that is one good looking guy.
So basically I've spent my weekend on the couch, warm and cozy. Oh how I do love warm and cozy things. But that's a topic for another post.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Maiden Voyage

Ok, here we go. This is it. Another attempt at a blog. Hopefully this one will make it. It was inspired by my friend, Lady Calypso, and her blog, which is truly splendiferous and full of hilarity. You should check it out.
As for my own blog, I've decided to just go with random whims and see how it goes. I'll try to keep it positive instead of, you know, ranting about unimportant details (COUGHschoolCOUGH). Perhaps cheery music and happy adventures will appear every so often. Yeah, that sounds good. Also, I apologize if my sense of humor is not so humorous. It comes and goes really, and is mostly rather cynical.
Speaking of music, this blog happens to be named (albeit subtly) after my current favorite song that was written by my current favorite band. If you can guess the song YOU WIN... bragging rights. Congratulations, you should be proud of this most dubious honor. I just looked up the definition for dubious and got sucked into an article about the proper term for a carbonated beverage. And in case you were wondering, dubious is not a good thing. It means "of doubtful quality or propriety". If you don't know what propriety means, go look it up. That's what I'm going to do. I know, I know, such a nerd. Oh well. Alright, I feel I have rambled and gone off on enough tangents for one post. Adios Amigos!