Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What is this feeling?

So, I realize I haven't posted on here in forever, and I apologize yet again. But I have humungous (humongos?) news about my latest obsession.
So, last summer I went to New York and had the most amazing opportunity to see Wicked on Broadway. It was BRILLIANT. I ABSOLUTELY adored it. However, I sort of forgot about the fact that I own the soundtrack. I remembered this about two days ago and I CAN NOT stop listening to it. IT IS SO FREAKING GOOD. There is a mix of funny, serious, sad, and thoughtful songs. Idina Menzel has one of the most amazing voices I've ever heard and Kristen Chenoweth can sing crazily high. It's a tad scary. I just love the entire thing SO MUCH. Well, almost all of it. There are some songs that I am not as obsessed with as others. But I love MOSTLY all of it. And I just thought that whoever out there that cares to know should be informed. That is all.

P.S. We will see how frequently I continue to post on here.